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I Love Trucks



I love watching trucks!  Big UPS trucks, big and small Amazon trucks,  USPO trucks, construction workers’ vans, and even pool service vehicles.  But I recently had a fascinating time watching some interesting different kinds of trucks when the owners at Surf Side, the condominium complex where I live, redid their asphalt.

It took an entire week, and during that time, I had a front-row seat from my perch on top of the buffet in the living room.

The first step was to demolish the existing pavement.  This involved a small bulldozer, a cold milling machine, and dump trucks.  The miller looked like a stretch-out army tank with a conveyor.  I couldn’t believe how quickly the guys could reach a smooth base.

Next, an Asphalt Pavers Machine placed the first layer of hot asphalt, and a roller compactor flattened the surface.  The crew hand-shoveled the asphalt around the perimeters where the machine couldn’t reach and then stomped it down. It looked like they were stopping grapes!

After that, a second layer of asphalt was applied using the same process. And finally, a top protective coat was added.

I heard that the asphalt should last about 20 years, but deep down, I hope it doesn’t.  I’d love to see all those trucks again!


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